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Should you file a claim when injured at a friend’s pool?

On Behalf of | May 27, 2022 | Personal Injury |

The summer is a great time to hang out with friends and enjoy a day at their pool, but unfortunately, you’re not completely safe from being injured. Even if they take good care of their property, there is a risk that you could slip and fall, hit your head, drown or have other serious problems happen during your visit.

If you are injured while you’re visiting a friend’s pool, don’t be afraid to ask to make a claim against their homeowner’s insurance. While you may not want to do so because of worrying about coming across as litigious or offensive to your friend, the reality is that this isn’t a personal affair. You’re just looking for compensation to cover your medical care, lost wages or other financial losses resulting from the injury on their property.

Insurance is there for a reason

Something to keep in mind is that insurance is available to homeowners and others for a reason: To protect them against liability. You don’t have to blame your friend for the accident or even hold a grudge against them for making a mistake leading to injuries. You do need, however, to consider making a claim to help you cover the expenses that have accrued because of the accident.

It’s not personal. The reason that your friend pays for insurance is to make sure others are protected if they are hurt on their property. They should be willing to give you the insurance information to start your claim.

What happens if your friend disputes the claim?

There is usually a certain coverage amount that applies in these kinds of situations and will be offered as a settlement right away. Whether or not you take that settlement offer will depend on how seriously hurt you are and if it will cover your losses. If the insurance company makes an offer that is too low, you may want to have your attorney reach out to negotiate.

Rarely, these cases can go to court, but most are able to be settled calmly outside of court. It’s helpful for you to learn more about your legal rights before you start the claims process, so you know what to expect.